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Blogs from June, 2021

Why you may need a camera inspection for your home’s sewer line


Knowing what’s happening 8 feet beneath you can save you a lot of time and a lot of headache. It used to be that if you had an issue with your sewer line, finding the proper point to dig down was up to the plumber’s best guess. Though it was the most educated guess that anyone could offer, issues were bound to occur. These days, however, there is extremely advanced sewer line inspection equipment that can be used to identify the approximate source of your problem.

What is a sewer video inspection?

Sewer video inspection is a technique performed by a plumbing company that owns a specialized video inspection scope. These tools are very advanced and aren’t generally available for a homeowner to purchase or use, based on their prohibitively expensive cost. The inspection scopes show (and sometimes record) everything they encounter on a video screen, illuminating your home’s pipes with powerful lights. Getting a sewer video inspection performed is an investment to determine the condition of one of your home’s most vital systems.

You usually wouldn’t have one done unless if you were moving into a home with unknown plumbing conditions or, of course, if there was already a problem. Video inspection is reserved for the big problems that can’t be solved by traditional plumbing means or liquid drain cleaners. Cities used to be responsible for the inspection of the full sewer line, but many have shifted that responsibility over to the homeowner. Today, it’s usually up to the homeowner to inspect and repair the sewer line, at least to the sidewalk.

Be prepared!

Having a one-time video inspection performed is a great way to avoid the stress and very expensive repair costs of problems in the future. A video inspection will help your plumber find problems before they become bigger problems.
