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Blogs from April, 2021

Important Fixes in Your Home to Protect You from COVID-19


We could not emphasize any further how important frequent hand-washing with soap and water is to prevent the transmission of germs and viruses including the dreaded COVID-19. As well as how important your drains should be in tip-top shape to keep germs and viruses at bay.

Therefore, you should not hesitate to call for repairs when there is something wrong with your:

  • Water pipes preventing your access to free-flowing running water
  • Clogged or backed-up drains
  • Pipes such as water or gas leaks in-home or business
  • Water heater repair or replacement

Do not hesitate to contact us.

We are well-prepared for COVID-19 and we are ready to extend that protection and preparedness to you and your home to protect your loved ones. / to your office to protect your employees.
